15 Reasons You NEED To Cover Your Laptop Camera
Sure, some may call it “paranoid” to cover a laptop webcam with a piece of tape. But others – including leading tech and academic gurus – say it’s one of the smartest things you can do to protect your privacy. In recent years, thanks to...
Bijay Pokharel,
January 6, 2018
13 min read
In most cases, Google can be a great help in finding something you need. However, sometimes it can work against you. So here are top 4 things that you should never ever Google. Or else it can put you in serious trouble.. CHILD PORNOGRAPHY Yes ! you should never ever...
Bijay Pokharel,
January 4, 2018
2 min read
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using a VPN
Virtual Private Networks are affordable, easy to use, and a vital component in your PC and smartphone set up. Along with a firewall and antivirus/anti-malware solution, you should have a VPN installed to keep every moment you spend online completely private. That overarching summary covers...
Bijay Pokharel,
December 27, 2017
7 min read
Top 10 Ways to Deal With a Slow Internet Connection
Sometimes, slow internet is the universe’s way of telling you to go play outside. Other times, it’s the universe’s cruel joke to destroy your productivity. Here are 10 ways to troubleshoot, fix, or just survive a slow internet connection. Check Your Speeds (and Your Plan)...
Bijay Pokharel,
December 21, 2017
6 min read
How to Hack-proof Your Wireless Router
Wireless networks are widely used and it is quite easy to set them up. They use IEEE 802.11 standards. A wireless router is the most important device in a wireless network that connects the users with the Internet.
Bijay Pokharel,
December 11, 2017
7 min read
9 Ways To Keep Hackers off Your Facebook Account
IF you are like millions out there, Facebook has become your no. 1 website on the Web. As you login to it every single day from many devices, be it from your mobile phone, computer, laptop and office workstation, there is a chance that you...
Bijay Pokharel,
December 9, 2017
7 min read
क्रिप्टोकरेन्सीको आतंक, कम्प्युटर भाइरस देखि व्राउजर माइनिङ सम्म
क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी विश्वबजारमा निकै हलचल मच्चाइरहेको क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी आजकाल सबैको चासोको विषय बनेको छ । क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी के हो, यसको खरिद बिक्री कसरी हुन्छ, यसको मुल्य कसरी बढछ लगाएतको कुरा हर जनमानसमा सुनिने गरेको छ । तर नेपालको सन्दर्भमा भने नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले गत साउन २९ गते क्रिप्टोकरेन्सीलाई...
Bijay Pokharel,
November 30, 2017
3 min read
How to Protect Your Privacy on Your Smartphone
Mobile apps can make your life a lot easier. They tap into the information stored on your smartphone to remind you about appointments, find stores and restaurants near you, or tell you whether there’s heavy traffic on your commute.But that convenience comes with a price: the loss...
Bijay Pokharel,
November 29, 2017
2 min read
Chances are that if you use Facebook today (and those chances are high because Facebook just passed over 2 billion active users), you have heard all the hype about the Facebook Messenger App and concerns over Facebook Messenger privacy. Users are now being forced to download the separate Facebook...
Bijay Pokharel,
November 28, 2017
5 min read
How to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi
If you take a trip today, you’re bound to come across more free public WI-FI spots than ever before. They can be great for getting work done, managing your social media empire, and generally staying connected—but these public networks can also be a major security...
Bijay Pokharel,
November 26, 2017
5 min read
12 Tips for Safe Social Networking
Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Ning, Digg, MeetUp, blogs, etc., — the number of social networking sites and tools is exploding. Social networking is the killer app of the Internet for everyone – not just the texting teenybopper crowd. Such sites have breached the walls of the corporate firewall, are...
Bijay Pokharel,
November 14, 2017
12 min read
5 Things that Make Your WordPress Site Run Slow and How to Fix Them
A slow-loading website can hurt your small business by turning away visitors who expect fast load times and smooth online experiences and harming your reputation. If your site runs slow and you’re running WordPress, there are plenty of things that could be slowing you down....
Bijay Pokharel,
November 7, 2017
4 min read
Bitcoin Is Banned In Nepal !
Bitcoin is illegal in Nepal.” says Deputy Director, Kedar Prasad Acharya, Nepal Rastra Bank in an event organized at Thames International College, 30th June 2017. “Bitcoin is illegal in Nepal.” – Deputy Director, Kedar Prasad Acharya, Nepal Rastra Bank. In an event organized by Thames...
Bijay Pokharel,
October 28, 2017
1 min read
Following a Facebook stalk of Facebook, we’ve not only discovered new and secret services, we’ve also uncovered an entire trend.Follow closely as we put the puzzle pieces together and construct an overall picture of the secret Facebook services we’ve uncovered.
Bijay Pokharel,
October 10, 2017
7 min read
How to Protect Your Photos/Videos (Nude or Otherwise) From Hackers?
If hackers gain access to your iCloud/Google Photos account, they could easily download all your photos without ever laying hands on your iPhone or iPad. And as we’ve seen time and time again, hackers can and do obtain passwords and break into such accounts. Here are...
Bijay Pokharel,
October 5, 2017
6 min read
How to Transfer a Website from One cPanel to Another
Are you unhappy with your current hosting provider and want to transfer a website from one cPanel to another? Perhaps you’ve outgrown your hosting services and need a VPS or dedicated server? There’s a variety of reasons for switching hosting providers and a couple of...
Bijay Pokharel,
September 20, 2017
5 min read
7 Amazing Facebook ‘SECRETS’ You Probably Didn’t Know About
Bijay Pokharel Facebook may have been around for more than a decade but there are still a few hints, tricks and tips many users may not know about still emerging today.From your secret Facebook inbox to taking a glimpse into the lives of strangers around...
Bijay Pokharel,
September 8, 2017
3 min read
How Do You Know Your Facebook Account Was Hacked?
Having your Facebook account hacked is a nightmare. Imagine a stranger having access to all your private messages, contacting your friends, abusing your Facebook page, and deleting your personal information.To avoid this, you should regularly update your password and keep your security settings tight. Not...
Bijay Pokharel,
September 1, 2017
5 min read
Few Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online
No matter what precautionary measures we use, there is nothing 100% safe as long as we are on the internet. Hackers can find one way to another to steal our data. Unsafe surfing can also lead to other threats—from embarrassing personal comments or images that,...
Bijay Pokharel,
August 31, 2017
3 min read
How To Secure Your Wi-Fi
Wireless Networking (Wi-Fi) has made it so easy for you to use the computer, portable media player, mobile phones, video game consoles, and other wireless devices anywhere in the house without the clutter of cables.
Bijay Pokharel,
August 29, 2017
5 min read
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