Most Windows users have ever encountered a situation where the operating system crashes unexpectedly and then goes into a blue screen of death. Due to the different causes, the system will report different error messages and detailed information to help users troubleshoot the problem. Among them, ‘Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart‘ is the most common one.

About ‘Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart’ Error

Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart’. We’re just collecting some error info, and then we’ll restart for you. Many times the following error “Your PC Ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info, and then we’ll restart for you.” makes a lot of trouble for you and it does not even let you log in. Before resolving this issue, let me tell you why this situation comes.?

Reasons of This Error

1) Changes in registry

2) Recent changes in Hardware of the system.

3) Any recent driver installation which went wrong.

4) Improper shutdown of the system which includes forcefull shutdown.

How to Fix “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart” Issue in Windows 10

Except for the recommendations above, you can also try the following solutions to get the error fixed. To do it, please open the Windows Boot Options men first:

  • Create a Windows Installation Media and boot your computer from it.
  • That will open Windows Setup from which you can press Next.
  • Then select the Repair your computer option.
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Then follow the fixes below. You don’t have to try them all, just find the one that works best for you.

If you have important data on your PC, you’d better backup your data without booting into your operating system. The fixes below may cause data loss, so it is a reasonable choice to backup your important data.

windows boot options menu

Fix # 1. Run the System File Checker

In Windows Boot Options menu, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt. In the command line, type: sfc /scannow and press Enter button. Restart your computer when the process is finished.

Fix # 2. Perform an Automatic Repair

In Windows Boot Options menu, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Repair. Next, select the target operating system to fix. Windows will initiate the repair and then restart.

Fix # 3. Perform a System restore

In Windows Boot Options menu, choose Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > System Restore. Select a previous working state (date) to restore your computer. Wait until Windows restores your system and restart.

Fix # 4. Restore the Registry Files

1. Go to the “Advanced Option“. Select the “Troubleshoot” option

2. Click on “Advanced Options“. Click on fourth option “Command Prompt” and from here we are going to restore the registry to the previous state prior to the changes.

click command prompt

3. Go to following Location “C:WindowsSystem32ConfigRegBack“.

follow the location

4. Copy all the following files “Default“, “SAM“, “Security“, “Software” and “System” to the previous directory that is“C”WindowsSystem32Config“.

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copy the commands

Before copying these files to the Config folder, please take the back from Config folder. Once you restore the registry files, restart your system. And magically your system will start again normally.