As concern over financial fraud grows, understanding the basics of credit card protection is more important than ever. Your credit card isn’t safe anywhere, especially on the internet. When you’re shopping online with your credit card, it’s important to follow some guidelines to avoid credit card fraud and identity theft. Read these credit card safety tips and learn simple ways to safeguard your cards.

Avoid Public WiFi

You’re not safe just because you’re using your own computer on a public WiFi. Hackers have access to the same WiFi signal and can intercept information while it’s being transmitted. That means you should never enter your card information while you’re using the Public WiFi.

Keep Your Account Number Private

There are a number of ways thieves can get their hands on your credit card number. To prevent this:

  • Keep your card private. Don’t let anyone see it when you’re out in public.
  • Don’t give your card information over the phone unless you initiated the call and you’re talking to a bank or merchant you trust.
  • Never answer an email that asks for your account number or personal information, even if it looks like it’s from your bank or a reputable company or organization.
  • Consider paperless statements and making payments online to remove your sensitive information from the postal system. It’s also a good idea to shred documents with sensitive personal information prior to disposal.

Protect Your Computer From Viruses and Hackers

Make sure your computer is protected from hackers that could send your internet browser to a fake website by loading the most recent anti-virus and anti-spyware software onto your computer. Use only reputable anti-virus software, not anything you see in a pop-up advertisement or get as a link in an email.

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Make Sure the Website Is Secure

Only enter your credit card information on secure websites that will protect your information. You can check a website’s security by checking the URL. On the page that you enter your credit card information, the URL in your browser’s address bar should begin with “https://” and there should be a lock in the lower right corner.

Make Strong Passwords

saved password

Your credit card number may be stored in a number of places online. For example, you may save your credit card on Amazon so you can make one-click purchases. Make sure you use strong passwords with a combination of upper- and lower-case characters, numbers, and even characters, and avoid writing or sharing your password.

Keep Your Credit Cards Safe

One of the simplest ways to avoid credit card fraud is by keeping your credit cards safe from thieves. Place your credit cards in a purse or wallet close to your body where it can’t easily be snatched away.