If you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck, or you have to contend with unexpected bills that come up and ruin your cash flow, having a home-based side hustle could be the smart way to eliminate those stresses and provide you with a financial safety net. There’s no shortage of work-from-home opportunities on the web, but the biggest issue is finding legitimate ways to make money from home. Scams and schemes abound, and if you don’t do your research or exercise caution, you could end up spending a lot of time and money with nothing to show for it.

Being scammed not only affects you financially, but may scar you emotionally as well.You could end up feeling defeated before you even had the chance to enjoy your first success.The path to successfully working from home is fraught with countless pitfalls, dead ends, and hard lessons to learn.There are plenty of horror stories out there from people who had the ability, dedication and drive but unluckily funneled their attention into the wrong kind of opportunity.Though you can make really good money by working from home, it’s best to look before you leap.

U.S. Part-Time Workers Stats

Try working on the side while still keeping your day job until you see the dollars start to steadily come in.Many people start with the best possible intentions to make their work-from-home venture a success, but end up feeling frustrated when things don’t pan out as fast (or as large) as they had hoped.

Most people are not aware that the best work-from-home opportunities are those that you create yourself. In fact, 75% of millionaires alive today are self-made. Don’t lose heart if you’ve tried various work-from-home opportunities in the past and didn’t have much luck.

This comprehensive list of home-based money-making ideas will help point you in the right direction and show you how each type of opportunity works, and how you can confirm each one’s legitimacy.We’ve divided the ideas into categories, so you can pick and choose the ones that appeal to you the most.All you’ll need to do is shortlist the opportunities you feel best align with your goals, and then sign up to start earning.

Let’s dive right in!

Bring out your artistic side to make extra money

The internet has created all kinds of lucrative ways to create and sell everything from handmade goods to digital photos online.

If you have a creative streak or a talent for crafting, these opportunities may be a great way to earn some extra cash from home.

1. Craft unique fashion accessories

From earrings made of Scrabble tiles to necklaces made of discarded magazines, there’s a market out there that’s hungry for unique, conversation-starting pieces of hand-made bling. Etsy.com is the best and most popular place to sell your eclectic creations, and sites like handmadeology.com can help you learn how to price your items, brand yourself, and even create marketing plans for your products.

2. Create holiday crafts

Even if it’s the middle of summer, it’s never too late to get a head start on the holidays.Christmas ornaments, Thanksgiving centerpieces, or unique gifts for other holidays are always a hit, and handmade holiday crafts are always a great conversation-starter.

Keep in mind, this will mean your business’ profits may ebb and flow in line with the seasons, so do have a contingency plan in place to generate an alternative stream of income during slow times — perhaps even by tapping another idea from this list!

3. Design your own clothing

Sites like teespring.com and cafepress.com let you create and design your own products ranging from t-shirts, to coffee mugs, to socks, and phone cases.Are you always coming up with funny meme-worthy stuff or clever designs, why not do your talent a favor and share them with the world and earn while you’re at it?

These merchant sites will do all of the actual production, shipping, and customer service. In exchange for your designs, you’ll receive a percentage of the profits.

4. Design websites

It has never been easier to create stunning, mobile-friendly websites. With drag-and-drop systems like Wix.com and full platforms like WordPress.org, you can craft beautiful websites for your fellow business owners or organizations you support and make a good living doing it once you develop a good eye for design.

Many website designers even carve out a specific niche for themselves, specializing in designing websites for churches, dentists, attorneys, and more.

Design and Multimedia Fees

5. Get paid $5 or more per task

Fiverr.com is a one-of-a-kind website where you can list tasks you’ll perform for $5, such as drawing, writing, programming, or translating. Although the site’s premise is that you can get these things done for as little as $5, many sellers have add-ons that let you further customize the product at a higher cost.

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So for example, if you’re an artist that’s really good at drawing figure models, you could offer to do a line drawing for $5 but have a color option for $15 and a rush delivery option of $10. As you can see, depending on what the customer wants, your profits can add up quickly. Fiverr takes 20% of each transaction.

6. Create graphics and logos

If you’re a Photoshop wizard, you can easily make extra money by creating graphics and logos for others. You can even offer this service on Fiverr or other freelancing websites.You don’t even have to limit yourself to just logos.

These days, companies and small businesses alike need all kinds of graphics including infographics, flyers, postcards and more so there’s always going to be a hungry market looking for your services.

Check out 99designs.com for inspiration and to submit your own creations.

7. Carve your own walking sticks

All this business idea takes is a sturdy, thick branch and a little knowledge of whittling with a knife. Simply remove the bark, let the branch dry for a couple of days, then add things like leather (to prevent splitting), beads, or figurines to the top.

As you’ll see if you’ve visited any popular local parks, walking sticks can cost $30, or more, with more intricate designs fetching $100+.

8. Paint a mural

From painting a child’s room to showcasing the history of local monuments, murals tell a story like no other. If you’re a pro with a paintbrush and want to make money with your art, FindAMuralist.com can help you connect with people who need artistic makeovers in their homes or even more large-scale projects.

You can charge by the hour or by the square foot, depending on your experience and skill.

9. Sell your digital photos

If you’re confident with a camera, you could make money selling your photos to stock photo agencies. Companies like Shutterstock.com and Dreamstime.com are always looking for great photos to sell.

Each one has different submission guidelines, however, so be sure to read them thoroughly to know what’s expected and how much you’ll get paid.

Even if you’re not super creative, you can still make money from home

If you’re more tech-oriented or you love to teach, there are plenty of legitimate, real opportunities to create a second income for yourself.

Here are a few of the best:

10. Tutor students

As a private tutor in your local community, you could earn as much as $20 an hour, although experienced tutors in larger areas earn more, particularly if you have a background in a high-level field like math, science, or foreign languages.

You don’t just have to be limited to your town either.

You can use a service like WyzAnt.com to connect with people who need a little (or a lot) of extra help in the subject you specialize in.

WyzAnt tutors charge $30–60 an hour and the site takes a commission of 40%.

If you’d like to specifically focus on teaching English online, check out freelancing site Italki.com — a virtual classroom for anyone to offer lessons and set their own prices (although the going rate is approximately $15–20/hour)

Academic Tutoring Stats

11. Work from home as a nurse

Fonemed.com is looking for professionally-registered nurses. You’ll be expected to provide triage and medical information over the phone. Fonemed accepts Canadian or U.S. residents since most of their clients are doctors — particularly pediatricians in North America.

You’ll be expected to attend the phones after office hours. Generally speaking, nurses who sign up with Fonemed make around $27/hour.

12. Become a customer service representative

Many companies, particularly national retailers, have chosen to outsource their customer service. Companies like alpineaccess.com and workingsolutions.com often look for agents that are willing to work from home around 20–40 hours per week. Pay rate depends on bonuses and other incentives, but starts at $9/hour and can go as much as $13/hour.

For larger project-based jobs, pay can go up to $30/hour.

13. Get paid to translate

If you’re fluent in more than one language, you can use your language skills to make money translating documents, conversations, and other files to and from the languages you know.

Proz.com is one of the top sites to look at to get paid for translation work.

14. Flip websites or domain names

If you own a lucrative domain name, you may be able to get a substantial amount of money for it.

Flippa.com is a great place to sell domains and full websites. You can even get a free valuation of your domain when you sign up.

16 Powerful Benefits of Using the "WIN" Key on Your Keyboard

15. Test out mobile apps

Mobile app programmers often need Android or iPhone users to test out their apps.

iPhone apps, in particular, tend to pay better. If you’d like to get paid to use an app and share any bugs you find with the developers, check out utest.com.

16. Test websites for companies

Like app developers, website developers also need users to try out their websites and perform specific tasks (such as finding a product via search or adding an item to the cart).

You can get paid $10–30 or more per site review.

Top sites for these services includeusertesting.com and trymyui.com

17. Answer questions

It sounds almost too good to be true, but if you have a deep knowledge of a particular subject or industry, you can get paid to answer questions from others.

In my case, I love answering questions on the topic of marketing—though I am mainly self-taught and am not formally trained in it.

For me everything came from real-life experiences—both good and bad.

But your area of expertise could be anything—from pets, to health, to home improvement, simply go to justanswer.com to sign up, answer questions, and start making money.

In most cases, after you sign-up and enter some basic information, you’ll need to submit your professional documentation.

The list of required documents will vary depending on the category you applied for.

18. Become a virtual assistant

There’s no shortage of businesses and professionals who are looking to hire virtual assistants to handle some of the workload and help out on day-to-day tasks.

Your responsibilities will vary depending on the business, but virtual assistants are typically assigned tasks involving research, customer support, basic writing/editing and data entry.

Sites like freelancer.com and upwork.com always have posts available looking for VAs, so it’s best to start there.

Since the market for VAs is so large and still growing, if you perform well, some of these gigs may even turn into longer-term job opportunities for you later down the road.

Administrative and Customer Support Fees

19. Become an affiliate marketer

An affiliate marketer promotes other people’s products or services in exchange for a commission.

Products can range from software and e-books to full-fledged online courses and memberships.

The commission you could earn would vary from product to product, but some commissions can run in the thousands of dollars!

To get started, check out clickbank.com — one of the largest affiliate marketing sites — to view what opportunities are available and then sign up.

You’ll likely need to invest time and a bit of money to create and sustain your own website to promote these products, but considering that top affiliates earn thousands of dollars every month, it can most certainly pay off.

20. Tackle easy micro-freelancing tasks with Amazon Mechanical Turk

Computers can do a great many things, but for the things they can’t do, there’s Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Amazon Mechanical Turk involves “micro-freelancing” jobs which are typically small, short-term tasks, like separating text from photos or differentiating between two images.

Amazon Turk won’t get you a consistent stream of income since the pay is usually pennies, but if you have some extra time and want to make money with it, mturk.com is a quick way to do just that.

21. Provide tech support for computers

Do your friends and family turn to you when their computers go on the fritz?

If so, you can get paid for it over at experts-exchange.com.

Through this site, you can make money fixing computer issues related to hardware, software, and programming as well as problems with mobile devices.

22. Write and sell your own e-book

Selling e-books through Amazon’s Kindle marketplace is a great way to earn extra income on the side.

What’s more, the best-selling Amazon Kindle books are only 30–40 pages, which means you can write shorter works and put out more than one e-book at a time.

The beauty of the Kindle system is that you don’t need to go through traditional publishing hassles. Generally, it costs you nothing but time to create the book.

To learn more, visitkdp.amazon.com

23. Sell audiobooks

ACX.com lets you turn your book into an audiobook, as well as find talented narrators to read your book.

When you sell your audiobook through ACX, you’ll also have it listed on top audiobook sites such as Audible.com, Amazon.com, and iTunes.

24. Sell lesson plans

New and first-year teachers often struggle with creating comprehensive lesson plans.

If you have experience in academia, why not sell lessons plans you’ve created?

Samsung’s Secure Folder: Your Phone’s Secret Vault Explained

You can sell and share them over atteacherspayteachers.com

Prices range from $4.99 to over $15.

25. Examine search engine algorithms

Search engines are in the business of relevancy.

The closer they can get to giving searchers exactly what they asked for, the more searchers will use them.

Leapforceathome.com lets you work from home analyzing search engine queries and algorithms to determine how well they work.

Many such queries are in languages other than English, so you may get access to more opportunities if you’re bilingual.

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26. Become an online juror

If you’re fascinated by Law and Order and would relish the opportunity to sit in on a case, you can get paid to become an online juror.

eJury.com lets attorneys “pre-try” cases before they go in front of an actual courtroom jury.

As an e-juror, you review facts, answer questions and submit a verdict at the end. You’ll get paid $5–10 for your time.

Online jury duty won’t make you wealthy, but it can be a fun side hustle.

27. Rewrite eBay and Amazon ads for sellers

Have you ever viewed a product on Amazon or eBay whose description was just awful?

Many sellers are not native English speakers, and this can impact their profitability.

If you’re a skilled writer, you can offer to rewrite these companies’ product descriptions not just in proper English, but in a way that clearly highlights the product’s benefits and value proposition.

The going rate for such services is around a 1% commission from sales.

To get started, simply approach product vendors directly from Amazon and eBay.

Explain the issue clearly and then offer your services as a solution.

Freelancers Stats

28. Sell ready-made websites

If you’re a professional web developer with a background in common platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Magento, you can make good money selling ready-made website templates through a large marketplace likeEnvato.com

Just be aware that you’ll be responsible for the technical support of your product and that Envato will charge you a fee per sale.

The fee varies based on whether or not you sell your work exclusively through Envato or not.

29. Work from home as a medical coder

If you have a medical background, you already know that the healthcare industry deals with a lot of paperwork.

If you have experience with medical coding, you can work from home using Aviacode.com which matches medical coders with national medical providers.

30. Handle data entry for companies

If you’re an awesome typist whose words per minute average 60 or more, you can get paid for your efficiency as a data entry specialist.

Diondatasolutions.net as well as other platforms like freelancer.com and upwork.com are always looking for data entry professionals to help them process invoices, gather names and emails for marketing databases, and much more.

31. Transcribe audio

Earn at least $20 per audio hour through TranscribeMe.com by transcribing audio.

All you need is a computer and an internet connection, though it may be worth buying a pedal if you truly enjoy the process.

If you have a legal or medical background, you may be able to earn even more.

32. Fix search engine errors

No search engine is perfect, and Google, Bing, and other search providers often rely on actual human intelligence in the form of remote or home-based workers to help them spot errors.

Lionbridge is one source of search engine evaluation jobs, and you can check out its website for a list of current opportunities.

33. Become an online proofreader

If you’re adept at spotting spelling or grammar errors, you could work from home as an online proofreader.

Bloggers, authors, and businesses could all use an extra set of eyes to help them spot mistakes or rewrite and improve the quality of their articles, newsletters and emails.

Check out ProofreadAnywhere.com to learn more about how to become a proofreader, then visit freelance sites like Freelancer.com or Upwork.com to find proofreading jobs.

34. Create an online course

Whatever you’re good at, chances are there are other people out there who’d like to learn what you know.

You can share your expertise to the world and earn from it by creating an online course.

All you need to do is create video lessons.

Many teachers also craft worksheets for their students to download and complete.

One of the best places to start creating an online course is atUdemy.com.

The more involved your course is, the more you can sell it for.

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Some courses sell for as much as $200 a pop.

35. Get paid to play games or read emails

Swagbucks.com lets users earn points by answering surveys, watching videos, playing games, and more.Points can be redeemed for gift cards at over 100 different retailers.

Although it’s not quite the same as making a consistent income from home, it can help you pay for your groceries or your Starbucks addiction.

Swagbucks gives out 7,000 gift cards per day, paying their members over 230 million dollars in cards.

36. Get paid to surf the web or use apps

It won’t make you rich, but you can earn up to an extra $180 per year by installing SavvyConnect, an app that logs how you use the web and spots trends in search, shopping, and entertainment.

You can sign up and earn $5 per device per month for each device SavvyConnect is installed on.

37. Get paid to review movies

Calling all armchair critics! Popsugar.com, bustle.com, and screenrant.com all pay writers who can write intelligent, thought-provoking reviews on entertainment news, including movies.

Writing and Translation Fees

38. Review music, songs, and artists

You can get paid to review the hottest new music, as well as discuss and rate new artists and bands.

Sites like musicxray.com and slicethepie.com will pay you some amount in exchange for giving songs a good listen and properly rating them.

39. Organize political campaigns

Get paid to help organize campaigns by calling people who are likely to support different issues and encouraging them to get involved.

You can sign up and create your own schedule and all you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Keep in mind that political issues may vary widely, and campaigns can last anywhere from a few days to a few months.

40. Write resumes

Help others make an irresistible first impression when applying for a job by becoming a resume writer.

Talentinc.com works with resume writers on both a full-time and part-time basis.

You can also offer your resume-writing services on common freelancing sites as well.

41. Make money as a video game tester

Like app and software developers, video game programmers are actively looking for people to play-test their games and find bugs or other issues.

You can get paid to test mobile games by joining cashdazzle.com. Spin to win!

42. Sell your digital files

If you have an e-book, music or other digital file you’ve created, and you’d like to get paid each time someone downloads it, check out payloadz.com.

You can create and sell your own digital goods, including templates, patterns, instructions and more.

Users can get paid via PayPal, Google Wallet, or 2Checkout.

So far, the work-at-home opportunities we’ve listed mostly require you to create, communicate, or possess some form of talent, skill or know-how to really make them work for you.

If you’d rather just find ways to earn more with the money you already have, there are a few investment sites that make growing your money easy and straightforward.

You can make money from home by investing

Even if you don’t know your ETF from your 401(k), these sites can help by taking care of the investment process for you or giving you the tools and the education to do it yourself.

43. Invest in stocks, bonds, and ETFs

Maybe you already invest in your retirement with a 401(k), but investing goes far beyond just saving for your golden years.

Check out Ally Invest where you can start investing for as low as $4.95 per trade.

With this price, you get access to research reports and charts, plus the ability to pick your own stocks, bonds, and ETFs.

U.S. Stock Portfolios

If the thought of picking stocks and bonds confuses or overwhelms you, there’s also Betterment.com, which takes a more hands-off investing approach.

Basically, you schedule recurring investments and Betterment invests it for you in domestic and international ETFs based on things like your age, investment goals, and how much risk you’re willing to accept.

And in case you’re looking for a financial boost to grab hold of a great investment opportunity, a personal loan from CreditLoan is your best bet.

CreditLoan has been around since 1998 and we’ve helped more than 200,000 customers and I know we can help you too.

44. Use a micro-investing app

Micro-investing is a relatively new innovation.

With apps like acorns.com or stashinvest.com, you can invest a few dollars in an investment account and earn interest.

Here, Acorns may be the better choice since it will round up each purchase and invest the difference, so if you invested $3.40, Acorns will invest the 60 cent difference to make the total $4.00.

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45. Invest in peer-to-peer loans

Peer-to-peer lending, also known as P2P lending lets you create micro-loans to everyday people who don’t want to go through a bank.

Since you are the bank, you can loan people money for things like home repair, business loans orcredit card or debt refinancing.

You’ll get a higher return this way than with fixed income or bond investments, and you can loan based on your risk tolerance.

Ratings vary from A to G (least to most risky) and there’s a minimum of $25 per note.

Lendingclub.com is the largest peer lending solution, and also has an automatic investing service that’s free if you’d like to diversify a bit more without a lot of risk.

46. Put more cash in your pocket with a cash back credit card

This isn’t so much an option to make extra money at home, but rather a way to get money back for the essential things you buy to help run your new home business.

There is a wide range of credit cards that can give you cash back on everything from office supplies to everyday purchases.

We’ve shortlisted some of the best cash back cards to help make it even easier for you to choose the one that’s right for you.

Just be sure that whatever card you choose, that you’re saving more than you spend, to avoid digging yourself into debt!

What if you want to start working from home, but you don’t have the funds to invest, or you’re not particularly artistically or technologically-inclined?

Not all hope is lost!

You may already have the tools to earn extra money from home

Some of the most thriving businesses have been launched by people who bootstrapped their way to success using the tools and items they already had at their disposal.

You’d be amazed at the ingenuity of some of these ideas.

Here are a few worth trying:

47. Rent out your car

If you’re away for a weekend or on vacation and not using your car, you can rent it out using services like relayrides.com and getaround.com.

You’re covered by liability insurance and you can bring your own commercial rental insurance as well if you’d like to make more money.

48. Do odd jobs for people in your area

Many people just need a little hand around the house.

Sites like Zaarly.com and TaskRabbit.com help you make money doing things like running errands or walking a dog.

49. Clean homes in your neighborhood

If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty (you can use cleaning gloves, of course!), you can make a good hourly income cleaning homes around your neighborhood.

Sites like Care.com are a great place to join and let homeowners in the area know that you offer house cleaning services.

50. Rate local companies

Companies are eager to understand customers’ perception and impression of their brand and their offerings as a means to improve their service.

TrendSource.com (also known as “The Source”) can help you sign-up to become a field agent for free and rate local businesses.

51. Start a child or doggy daycare in your area

You’ll need to look into your local laws and regulations before you do this, but busy parents (both of children and pets) are always looking for reliable, affordable day care services.

Check out sittercity.com or rover.com accordingly if you don’t want to start a daycare but do want to make money pet or babysitting locally.

American Dog Population

52. Participate in a clinical trial

If you fit the criteria, a clinical trial could net you anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

The amount you’re paid depends on the study.

Centerwatch provides listings of the studies are currently going on in your area(including internationally).

Keep in mind that participating in a clinical trial shouldn’t be taken lightly — there are risks involved and you’ll have to sign some serious paperwork to show you understand all the risks involved.

53. Sell your old electronics

Who would ever want to pay for your old electronics?

Amazon’s trade-in program might, and sites like swappa.com or nextworth.com will pay you for your old cell phone.

54. Sell your hair

Yes, there’s a marketplace for human hair.

If you take great care of your hair and want to make some extra money (some people have made as much as $4,000!), you can sell it directly online athairsellon.com

55. Share your honest opinion

Companies eagerly want to know what you think about the products you use every day.

Research companies like Harris Poll and Ipsos actively seek out users who are willing to share their opinions on everything from products to services.

Samsung’s Secure Folder: Your Phone’s Secret Vault Explained

You’ll even get paid a little for your time.

56. Do calligraphy

If you have gorgeous handwriting, you can make money through major freelance sites or on Etsy.com by offering calligraphy services.

The most common options are hand-lettered envelopes and place cards for weddings, but you could also offer your services for birthday parties and baby showers.

57. Officiate weddings

Requirements to officiate weddings vary from state to state, but if you’re naturally good at giving speeches or talking to others, this may be a great side hustle.

You’ll need to be ordained but the process is usually free or costs very little.

To learn more, check with a clerk at your local county courthouse to determine what local rules and regulations you’ll need to adhere to.

58. Guide tours in your town

If you live in a busy, bustling town that’s a major tourist attraction, you can make some extra money as a local tour guide.

Check out toursbylocals.com for tools and training.

The company also provides customer payment administration and marketing. In exchange, they receive a portion of paid bookings.

59. Get paid to cook

Food-sharing — it’s a unique new trend that brings together people who love to cook with people who love to eat and try new things.

Think Airbnb – but with food!

Eatfeastly.com and eatwith.com are sites that let you create a menu, set a date, and then invite other foodies.

You decide what to charge per plate.

60. Rent your office to local entrepreneurs

Sites like liquidspace.com let you rent out your office or meeting room and monetize the extra space.

Since these types of agreements are often done on a month-to-month basis, you don’t have to worry about legal fees or negotiating the lease.

61. Rent out your Android phone’s lock screen

Simply install an Android app called Slidejoy, available from the Google Play Store.

Slidejoy puts ads on your lock screen and pays you for each time you unlock your phone.

It’s not a lot of money, but you’re getting paid for something you’d do anyway.

62. Get paid to shop with MyPoints

MyPoints.com bills itself as a daily rewards service that pays you in points (which can be redeemed for gift cards) by shopping online, taking surveys, watching videos, and reading emails.

MyPoints Site Traffic

63. Get paid just for being healthy

Yes, there are companies out there that will pay you to lose weight.

Healthywage.com and Dietbet.com let you place “bets” once you install their apps, and if you manage to lose weight, you can earn cash for it.

The funds come from those who didn’t reach their goal. It’s a win-win if you’re committed.

64. Change your search engine from Google to Bing.

Sign up to get rewarded for doing your searches with Bing (where 1 out of every 3 searches in the U.S. happens), you can earn rewards points which can be cashed out for things like Amazon gift cards.

65. Rent your clothes

If you have clothes in new or like-new condition and you haven’t worn them in awhile, why not rent them out?

RentNotBuy.com and Loanables.com let you do this.

Set your own rate and make money while freeing up some closet space.

66. Rent out sports equipment

If you’ve got sports equipment like a bike, skis, or other items, you can rent them out when you’re not using them by putting them up on spinlister.com.

67. Rent out studio space or musical instruments

If your guitar is gathering dust in a corner of your room, or you’ve stashed your sax in the attic, you could use them to make extra money by renting them out onsparkplug.it.

You can also rent out equipment like amps, as well as space like a rehearsal or studio room.

68. Sell your junk mail

Yes, there’s actually a company that will pay you for your junk mail — the Small Business Knowledge Center or SBKC.

As a consumer panelist, you can send them both direct mail and email that references things like insurance, mortgages, travel, department stores, electronics, and more.

With each piece of mail you send, you can earn points which can be redeemed for a Visa gift card.

69. Write articles and get paid

There are many sites that will pay you to write for them, especially if you have particular knowledge on things like travel, parenting, or personal finance.

Check out matadornetwork.com and scarymommy.com respectively if you’d like to make extra money writing on these topics.

Most pieces start around $40 but you can make much more for longer, more in-depth articles

16 Powerful Benefits of Using the "WIN" Key on Your Keyboard

70. Become a standardized patient

If you have ever faked a convincing sickness to get out of work or school, you could get paid for your acting skills by becoming a standardized patient.

Medical students often need good, convincing people to portray symptoms so that they can learn how to properly administer tests and make diagnoses.

To find out what standardized patient studies are happening in your state and how much you’ll get paid, simply do a search for “standardized patient” followed by the name of your state.

71. Start a blog

Many popular blogs earn their owners tens of thousands of dollars every month.

U.S. Bloggers Stats

The good news is that starting a blog is easy and fun, although you have to stick with it and update often before you start seeing results.

You can start a blog easily at wordpress.com, but for more control over the design and layout, you’ll want to opt for the self-hosted version at wordpress.org.

You may need a developer or your web hosting company to set it up for you.

Once you set up your blog, tell friends, family, and associates and spread the word on social media.

It’s important that you blog about something that is important to you, or something that can entertain or inform others and create an audience, such as a hobby, an area of expertise or simply your life experiences.

72. Sell your old books

Bookscouter.com is a great way to get rid of old, unused books in good condition.

They also accept college textbooks and likely pay much more than your local university bookstore.

73. Take paid surveys

InboxDollars.com pays you cash to do the things you already do every day like watching videos, taking surveys, playing games and more.

You won’t earn a ton of money this way, but it’s a nice way to earn some extra cash in your spare time.

You can also refer friends and get 10% of their qualified earnings as well.

74. Get money back for the things you’ve already bought

Ibotta.com is a rebate app that lets you take a picture or scan your grocery store receipt, and then get cash rebates.

You get $10 just for signing up.

75. Get paid to try new products

Toluna.com will pay you with cash or gift cards to try out and rate new products.

By completing surveys on up-and-coming products, you’ll earn points that can be redeemed for cash.

76. Rent out your parking space

If you live in a high traffic area and you own an under-utilized parking space, you can rent it out when you’re not using it by putting it up oncraigslist.org

77. Drive for ride-sharing services

Many people, particularly those that live in larger cities, are making a nice side income by signing up and driving for ride-sharing services like Uber.com and Lyft.com.

You may be able to earn even more with special VIP programs for more exotic or luxury cars.

78. Rent out a room

If you live in a popular tourist town and have an extra room, you can rent it out withAirbnb.com

Side-gig Workers Stats

You can make extra money easily renting out your unused room to travelers who are visiting your area.

You can choose to be present during their stay, or rent out your home while you’re on vacation.

79. Sell your old jewelry

If you have any old, broken or unwanted gold or silver jewelry, you can earn some extra cash by selling it.

You’ll want to find out how much it weighs and how pure the metal is (i.e. 14-karat-gold).

Then go to dendritics.com to find out how much you could get for it.

Pick an idea and start earning money from home

Earning extra money from home has never been easier due to the internet and our smartphones.

We’ve listed 79 of the best ideas for you to pick from.

Whether you’re pulling in petty cash by completing surveys, or kickstarting a new craft business that could someday replace your day job, earning money from home is a smart way to get out of debt or save up for an emergency fund.

Now go ahead and pick one or two ideas from our list that personally resonate with you, check out some of the relevant sites we’ve suggested, and sign up as soon as you can.

Your bank account will probably end up thanking you!

Do you know of any great ways to earn money from home that we’ve missed?

Let everyone know in the comments below!

Dan Wesley (Founder – CreditLoan) has request us  to re-published this article.