Have you ever wished for actually seeing who is ignoring your follow request on Instagram? Many Instagram users may not be familiar with this but there is a way in which we can actually see our pending follow requests. Here, we will talk about an easy way to see all the people who haven’t accepted our requests and are keeping us in the social-media purgatory

  • Go to your account page on the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android.
  • Tap on the hamburger menu icon in the top right corner and then tap on Settings
  • Next, go to Security
  • Under Data and History, tap on Access Data.
  • Now tap on the View All link for Current follow requests under Connections.

Over here you will see a non-clickable list of all the usernames you have sent follow requests to but haven’t yet been approved by.

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Now if you want to cancel the follow request then simply search the username and cancel the request.

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