Elon Musk on Monday showcased the Tesla humanoid robot called ‘Optimus’ who greeted his followers with a ‘Namaste’, while performing a couple of Yoga postures comfortably.

Showcased for the first time during ‘Tesla AI Day’ 2022 in October, Optimus was seen performing simple tasks this time in a video posted by the X owner.

Optimus is now capable of self-calibrating its arms and legs.

Using only vision and joint position encoders, the robot can precisely locate its limbs in space

It learns its tasks smoothly, like sorting and unsorting colored blocks, and its neural net runs entirely onboard, using only vision.

After a long day at work for the humanoid robot, “it is time to stretch”, ending with a Namaste, showed the video.

The robot has the same artificial intelligence (AI) software and sensors present in Tesla’s advanced driver assistance system called ‘Autopilot’ and it may cost around $20,000.

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The humanoid robot is made for mass production in the “millions” of units.

The robot contains a 2.3 kilowatt per hour battery pack which is “perfect for about a full day’s worth of work”, runs on a Tesla chip, and has Wi-Fi and LTE connectivity, reports The Verge.

The human-like hands are a “Biologically Inspired Design” that will make the robot suitable for picking up objects of various shapes and sizes at factories and other facilities.

“It’ll be a fundamental transformation for civilization as we know it,” Musk had said at the AI Day event.

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He said the robot could be priced “probably less than $20,000”, as his team moved a non-walking prototype offstage behind him.

It will be able to carry a 20-pound bag, use tools, and have a precision grip for small robots.

It is also equipped with wireless connectivity as well as audio support and hardware-level security features.