Google has warned users again that it will start deleting inactive accounts in December 2023.

The company has been sending out emails to users who have not logged into their accounts in over two years, warning them that their accounts will be deleted if they do not take action.

“If your account is considered inactive, we will send several reminder emails to both you and your recovery emails (if any have been provided) before we take any action or delete any account content. These reminder emails will go out at least 8 months before any action is taken on your account”

Google’s email reads.

Google says that it is deleting inactive accounts to free up space and resources on its servers. The company also says that it is deleting inactive accounts to protect user privacy. If an account is inactive for a long period of time, it is more likely to be hacked or used for malicious purposes.

If you have an inactive Google account, you can prevent it from being deleted by logging into your account at least once every two years. You can also prevent your account from being deleted by enabling two-factor authentication.