Many Sony PlayStation Network users reported their accounts were being “permanently suspended” without any reason, leaving them flummoxed as they were unable to play PS4 or PS5.

The distraught users lost access to digital PlayStation games after being locked out of their accounts, reports The Verge.

“This account is permanently suspended from PlayStation Network due to violations of the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User Agreement,” reads a message from Sony.

“A user on Reddit reported getting a similar message, and a look at PlayStation accounts on Facebook (NASDAQ: META ) and Instagram shows dozens of people who’ve received similar notices in the last few hours,” the report mentioned late on Monday.

Sony was yet to publicly acknowledge the issue.

“Without any notice, @PlayStation, @AskPlayStation permanently banned me from the #PlayStation Network. No one knows why! I don’t have a chargeback, I can’t appeal & no response to suspension status. CS says to create a new account & disconnected me,” an impacted user posted on X.

Sony’s “important notices” PlayStation support page had no information regarding the issue.

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