Qualcomm Charitable Foundation and Qualcomm India Private Limited are pledging USD $4 million to help India fight the deadly second Covid wave that has shattered its healthcare system to its core.

The pandemic has created an unprecedented global public health emergency, making it more crucial than ever for us to work together and to offer each other empathy, support, and solidarity. We are hopeful that with such positive and timely actions, India will soon overcome this new crisis. In the meantime, we will continue to offer our support to our colleagues, partners, local government, and communities to help them get through this difficult time and stay safe and healthy.

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Qualcomm wrote in a blog post

Daily news from the country is leaving us shocked, saddened, and deeply concerned for the wellbeing of its people, including our fellow employees and friends who call India home — the health and safety of our employees and their families are always a top priority at Qualcomm,” Qualcomm added.

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