The largest content delivery network (CDN) Cloudflare, which suffered an outage on Tuesday, said that the issue occurred because of a network change, not owing to a cyber attack.

Several popular platforms like Discord, DoorDash, NordVPN, Zerodha, Upstox, and others that use Cloudflare services went down for users globally, including in India.

“A network change in some of our data centers caused a portion of our network to be unavailable. Due to the nature of the incident, customers may have had difficulty reaching websites and services that rely on Cloudflare,” the company said in a statement.

Cloudflare was working on a fix within minutes, and the network is running normally now,” it added.

Given Cloudflare’s scale and the percentage of the Internet that relies on our network, “when we have problems it is vital that we are open and transparent about what happened, why it happened, and what we’re doing to ensure it doesn’t happen again”.

Cloudflare earlier said it identified the issue and rolled out a fix and several platforms started having normal operations afterward.

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Coinbase and Shopify users also faced issues, according to DownDetector.

Last week, several online platforms like Shopify, Discord, Acko, GitLab, and others went down for users in India as Cloudflare suffered an outage.

Cloudflare said in a statement that it was not the result of a cyber attack.

“The root cause of the issue was an increase in resource consumption due to a software release. Cloudflare was working on a fix within minutes, and the network is running normally now,” the company said in a statement.

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Several customers in India faced ‘HTTP 504’ error-based service outages, especially for long-running queries.

The outage also affected SaaS platform OSlash, Flitpay and other platforms that run their operations on the Cloudflare network.