For many people, Facebook is part of their everyday life. It’s where they interact with friends and colleagues, and is seen by many as an extension of themselves. Having your Facebook account hacked can be more than just humiliating: depending on what the hackers do, it can damage your reputation or even cost you money. If you suspect that your Facebook account has been hacked, the first thing to do is change your password. This article contains other tips and tricks for boosting the security of your Facebook account and how to make your Facebook account hack-proof!

Following Three Security Options makes your Facebook Account Secure and Hack Proof.

1) You can enable Login Notification so that whenever any body (or a hacker) tries to login with your User ID and Password, you will receive a Notification on your cell phone and you will come to know that it’s time to change your password right now because the hacker has got your password and is trying to log in to your Facebook Account.

To Enable Login Nofication
Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Login Notification. Put a Check Mark on your preffered option and

click Save Changes button.


Having your Facebook account hacked is a nightmare. Imagine a stranger having access to all your private messages, contacting your friends, abusing your Facebook page, and deleting your personal information. To avoid this, you should regularly update your password and keep your security settings tight.


DON”T MISS : 9 Ways To Keep Hackers off Your Facebook Account

2) Always check your Active Sessions. If you notice any unfamiliar location or device, it means your Facebook Account is at risk. Just click on End Activity and dont forget to change your password after that.

To Check Active Sessions
Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Active Sessions.

3) Enable Secure Browsing to make your account more secure.
Go to Home-> Account Settings -> Security -> Secure Browsing.