Facebook officially rolled out “Reactions” to users worldwide on February 24, 2016, letting users long-press on the like button for an option to use one of five pre-defined emotions, including “Love”, “Haha”, “Wow”, “Sad”, or “Angry”. Reactions were also extended to comments in May 2017, and had a major graphical overhaul in April 2019.

Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to set up such a system on your own WordPress website? Here, in this article we are going to share you an easy way to get Facebook Reaction on your WordPress website.

Download Facebook Reactions for WordPress. Go to https://codecanyon.net and search for Facebook Reactions For WordPress and download that plugin.

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Then go to your WordPress Dashboard. Go to Plugins and click on Add New. Then simply upload that downloaded plugin and click activate.

Facebook Reactions is simple and lightweight Ajax powered plugin for WordPress platform that offers an opportunity to give people more ways to express themselves and share their reaction to your content. The collection of Reactions includes Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry.

You don’t have to do complex configuration. Just activate the plugin and all done! You can customized where you want to show Facebook Reaction. You can switch between 2D and 3D reaction. You can turn animation on or off. You can even customized reaction text as well in any language.

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